Col. U.S.A. (R), U.S.A.F, M.C. (Ret)
Founder, President American Academy of Medical Detectives (AAOMD)
3708 N Loyola Dr, Kenner. LA. Apt 115.
Kenner, LA 70065
ZIKA is now a recognized epidemic involving multiples countries, continents and Island nations, and already qualifies for pandemic status.
So far, many local, regional, national, and international Public Health agencies have made public pronouncements, gathered scattered details about monkey viral infections, mosquitos vectors transmission, and lately, person to person transmission. Proclamation about vaccine preparation, research, and programs for long-term treatments have been uttered. These proclamations are essentially nebulous, vague, and politically and financially motivated.
Public information has been disseminated about complications particularly involving pregnancy and consequential birth defects, and / or fetus defects, including short delays in growth and development, and fetus demise. This aspect has been important and very valuable public health information.
However, no agency or organization has publically addressed the primary and secondary stage medical aspects and treatments, mainly because the public health organizations are mostly administrative, academic and politically oriented. As such, they have no real practical experience or knowledge on which to base an opinion and have not made publically any effective, safe, and reasonable recommendations.
There is previously published information for primary and secondary stage care available on internet at
Except for this internet public message, No One pronounced, publically, person-to-person contagion, sexual transmission as a sexually transmitted