Prof. George A. Farber, Sr., MD
Col. U.S.A. (R), U.S.A.F, M.C. (Ret)
Founder, President American Academy of Medical Detectives (AAOMD)
3708 N Loyola Dr, Kenner. LA. Apt 115.
Kenner, LA 70065
Keep it, but subjugate it to an un-armed division of The US Army.
The US Army already has health care and hospitals, with excellent reputation. This sub-division to provide health care for all of the armed services Vets, including Coast Guard, and contracted military and Secret Service assets, active and retired, and disabled, and ad hoc.
The VA is an abject failure! It is a burgeoning bureaucracy, a big white elephant! It will take an Act of Congress to subjugate and combine the VA into the US Army. They can handle it.
The VA budget can be halved and balance added to Army budget! Many existing facilities transferred to the Army, will greatly expand army capability, and access to health care for our Veterans.
Many additional benefits to such combination. Military careers can be prolonged, extended, and salvaged by interservices transfer to such a non-combat division. Likewise, civil service personnel. Likewise, economies of larger agency combination.
The VA system does not attract sufficient top-notch medical personnel. The current bureaucracy is not recruitment friendly. The attitude is pay, but no play/work. Benefits exceed performance value! Note: There are some, but not enough, good deeds and professional services to warrant a separate huge bureaucracy.
COMBINE AND REFINE, Under New Management!
Col. U.S.A. (R), U.S.A.F, M.C. (Ret)
Founder, President American Academy of Medical Detectives (AAOMD)
3708 N Loyola Dr, Kenner. LA. Apt 115.
Kenner, LA 70065
Keep it, but subjugate it to an un-armed division of The US Army.
The US Army already has health care and hospitals, with excellent reputation. This sub-division to provide health care for all of the armed services Vets, including Coast Guard, and contracted military and Secret Service assets, active and retired, and disabled, and ad hoc.
The VA is an abject failure! It is a burgeoning bureaucracy, a big white elephant! It will take an Act of Congress to subjugate and combine the VA into the US Army. They can handle it.
The VA budget can be halved and balance added to Army budget! Many existing facilities transferred to the Army, will greatly expand army capability, and access to health care for our Veterans.
Many additional benefits to such combination. Military careers can be prolonged, extended, and salvaged by interservices transfer to such a non-combat division. Likewise, civil service personnel. Likewise, economies of larger agency combination.
The VA system does not attract sufficient top-notch medical personnel. The current bureaucracy is not recruitment friendly. The attitude is pay, but no play/work. Benefits exceed performance value! Note: There are some, but not enough, good deeds and professional services to warrant a separate huge bureaucracy.
COMBINE AND REFINE, Under New Management!