Prof. George A. Farber, Sr., MD
Col. U.S.A. (R), U.S.A.F, M.C. (Ret)
Founder, President American Academy of Medical Detectives (AAOMD)
3708 N Loyola Dr, Kenner. LA. Apt 115.
Kenner, LA 70065
Lead Poisoning is not exactly toxic, Arsenic is. Both are eventually fatal. Both are socio-economically catastrophic!
Arsenic, in inorganic form, is present in most USA water supply, both drinking water and agriculture water / irrigation water and pesticides, especially for tobacco and leafy vegetables. The Arsenic is worse than tobacco as a carcinogen.
Arsenic occurs naturally in many foods and can be quite tasty! Examples include cashew and Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds and some grapes.
See attachment of WHO http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs372/en/#
Arsenic in high doses can be instantly fatal. Chronic Arsenic ingestion, in small doses can be progressively fatal. The signs and symptoms of incremental arsenic poisoning can be vague and non- specific, particularly if the intake is not suspected. Chronic arsenic poisoning, in low dose, can be a lung or skin carcinogen / enabler or inducer. In chronic arsenic poisoning, testing is easy; a hair swatch to a medical lab.
The most and worst example in the USA is in the vicinity of a copper mining and smelting facility in Arizona. (Ajo, AZ).
The biggest public works project in USA history could occur next year, bigger than the ‘Border wall’, and at the same time.
Who will pay for these projects?
The Trump / Mex. pay plan is possible for the wall.
The arsenic / lead problems are the fault of the ‘Establishment’ for the past 55 years! Cost: 3 years, $300,000,000,000 +. (*)
The new public demand will inspire the new President and the Congress to respond in a positive and affordable manner in order to help ‘#MakeAmericaGreatAgain”.
(*)Follow for more details at http://www.americanmedicaldetective.com