Col. U.S.A. (R), U.S.A.F, M.C. (Ret)
Founder, President American Academy of Medical Detectives (AAOMD)
3708 N Loyola Dr, Kenner. LA. Apt 115.
Kenner, LA 70065
Article No 2
Parapoint, 2016-2
It’s there, but, it is not!
Metabolically speaking, formaldehyde and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) do not exist per se, and/or persist standing along. They must be attached to another chemical.
Formaldehyde easily attaches to water (H20) to produce formalin, its simplest form. It also attaches to many other complex chemicals to form resins and other products and it is used extensively in manufacturing many products such as fibers, carpets, wood products, fabrics, adhesives, and myriads of other products in everyday use.
The simplest form is formalin used as a fixative and preservative.
Trychloroacetic acid can be maintained in high concentration in water. TCA can be highly destructive in high concentration in contact with tissue.
TCA can be used medically when reduced to 50 % concentration, in distilled water. At level 50 % or lower there are safe and effective medical and surgical uses with no known toxicity.
TCA is a major interactive agent in the Krebs Cycle, the major chemical metabolic cycle necessary to sustain animals (and human) life.
Therefore, you can not be allergic to it. Medical science, sooner or later, will learn to better control human metabolism when the total impact and availability is better understood. More research is needed.